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It just might not be true every time.

Nice Guys Always Finish Last



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      In the stranger’s house the vidcom pinged for the first time in a very long time, but it was just an email.

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Dear stranger,

      I hope you’ll forgive me calling you that, but it’s what you are to me. We haven’t met, nor have we ever exchanged any form of communication.

      I expect you’re wondering why I am writing to you. Well, here’s the thing. Out of the millions of email addresses in the world my little random selection program chose yours. So you, though you may not think so, have the privilege of being the recipient of my last ever email.

      You’re reading this and already you’re thinking ‘what the fudge?’ (I’m not allowed to swear, you see) and I can understand that. But please bear with me and read this to the end. I have seen and experienced very little of this big, wonderful and beautiful world in which we live. Time hasn’t been on my side. So I would like you to consider getting out of your chair, walking to the window and taking a good look outside. But don’t just look at what you can see, look beyond the horizon. Look to the far shores and foreign lands that are out there for you to discover and enjoy. Don’t read National Geographic, live it; don’t read travel brochures, write them; and don’t think about your family, visit them and tell them you love them.

      These and many other things will make the world a better place for you, and for those around you.

      I think I’m out of time now, so I’ll just say ‘thanks for listening’ and I hope you heard what I told you.

      Your friendly stranger,


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      In Malcolm’s house the vidcom pinged, the stranger had sent a reply.

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      What the fudge? Why not come out and say it like it is… WHAT THE FUCK? You snot-nosed little shit. You know nothing of me, and my life, and you have the nerve to tell me what to do?

      I hope your Mama bitch slaps you from here to next week just to stop you from annoying strangers, who just happen to be happy with their life just the way it is.

      And as for family, shit. If you knew my family, you’d burn the family album.

      Looking out the window? Hah! I can’t get outta my chair ‘cause I got bad legs, and I ain’t got no money for no hover chair. It hurts me just to walk to the bathroom and back.

      I hope that I never get to hear this shit from you ever again.

      Just call me,

Pissed Off.

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      In the stranger’s house the vidcom pinged, a reply from Malcolm’s house.

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Dear Pissed Off,

      Thank you for replying to Malcolm’s email. Fortunately he didn’t get to read it as he died shortly after his was sent. Having suffered severe muscular dystrophy, chronic asthma and other less severe complications for most of his life he knew the value of getting out of his chair.

      He knew and he tried to be a nice guy and let you know what you are missing. Because he knew first-hand exactly what he was missing in his short life.

      I am sure that he would have been heart-broken at your response, but that said, he would still have wished for you to live the life that he never could.

      Whatever you may think, or say, it doesn’t matter. I’m sure that you believe that nice guys always finish last, and that’s why you have such great expectations of a better life. You think that you are avoiding the fate of the nice guy.

      Well, in this case, I’d say that the nice guy has beaten you to it. He has gone to a better place ahead of you. He has left you and your cynicism and sarcasm behind and he is living the life he so richly deserved while he was here.

      You may call me

Malcolm’s mother.

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      In Malcolm’s house the vidcom never received another message from the stranger.

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      In the stranger’s house the vidcom never pinged again.

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Nice Guys Always Finish Last


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